"Jelly Fish! Jelly Fish!
Come with me
We'll float together
Out to the sea
We'll go with the ebb
And the flow of each day
And let the currents
Determine our way
From the troughs to the crests
In perpetual motion
We'll ride the great waves
From ocean to ocean
Recording our journeys
In sinusoid traces
We'll visit far seaports
And exotic places"
"Oh, Glove! Dear, Glove!
Can't you see
That this relationship
Never can be?
For relying entirely
On predestination
May lead us to boredom
And exasperation
You dream that adventure
Will happen by chance -
Serendipitous wonder
In each circumstance -
And though it sounds tempting
I can't call it love
For I am a jellyfish
And you are a glove"
This is the best thing I've read all day. Poor glove, keep your cuff up! There's more mitts in the sea <3
Ha ha, awesome. I love how this whole thing was put together and the symmetry of the way it ended, great write, @rubytuesday.