I get when I am near your feet
After coming at your doorstep
I forget all my miseries
None of my desires remain
Neither any aspirations in my heart/mind
Only a line of tears flows
My mind is so pure
There is no web of words
There is no identification of language
Without saying anything you interpreted my heart/mind
So is my Lord
Kindness deepens with each passing moment
No difficulty remains in the heart/mind
He has shown the path
I progress each moment on the path
I find Lord everywhere
He is well-wisher and friend of the poor and needy, He is full of kindness
Few Moments of Relief
I get when I am near your feet
After coming at your doorstep
I meet myself
Again,for your support, you have been wonderful to me and hope in your vote.
With respect,
Accually you are a ginius
Thanks @azizurrahman & Welcome
thats a great poem
love it
Thanks @bitcoinborga & Welcome
that such a mindblowing post really like it
Nice, i like your poetry @sam99
Thanks @marlina & Welcome