Someone please help her
Can’t you see the pain in her eyes
Shes got a lot of love to give
It’s burning inside her
She’s tried of wasting it
To those whom don’t seem to care
Can anybody hear her
Is anybody listening
Can anybody see her
Or is she invisible
Just a fragment of imagination
AKA: Tiger is a Rose
#Findyourrosetoday 💓 Meaning behind #Findyourrosetoday, think of the one thing that put a smile on your face today. It doesn’t matter how big or how small. That is your rose for today!
I really love this one :) It's one of those poems that draws you in on an emotional level.
Thank you!
awesome poem. I've met a girl once who sacrificed everything. Cared so much....
your name [Tiger is a Rose] is kind cool. wondering what it could mean.
Thank you!
What do you think it means?
I know I'm late to reply. Hope it's not too late though, Well this is a wild guess but I think it means deep inside you are beautiful and not as wild as you might look. Was I even close?
You pretty much got it right! ^_^ Never to late to reply.