intoduceyourself,, my name is micky (good cat)
I'm a cat, my name is micky. I'm a regular cat, not a cat that is expensive. but I'm amazing. why am I amazing? because I can play free, can sleep and go anywhere. I eat rice and fish, and I'm not given bread. anyway here I am alone, because papa my mama has left me. now I live with my very kindly lord. I am loved and I am not prohibited. I'm very happy here ,, I feel like I'm a princess.
I am very happy .
I promise to always go to my good lord.
and I will not go away from tianku.
looks like i will be given a partner ,,
hopefully your master's partner is a prince.
a kind-hearted cast.
and I will conceive and give birth to a good kitten.
If my son is a boy, I'll name it ,, jhonshon.
and if my daughter is female ,, i will give ella name.
hopefully my master quickly brought me a mate.
so my story.
may you all be entertained with my story.
i am micky bye bye.
Thank you to all of you
hi! i wish you all the best on steemit!
greets the fox

Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and cool cat.
Thank you so much for participating in my Poemchallenge and taking a break from everyday worries. It was my pleasure to feel your words straight from your pure soul.
Great writing I am honored @margaretwise