Take Stock

Take stock
of where you are.
Where you came from.
Where you want to go.
Looking back, you can forget all you had.
You are caught remembering only the bad.
Did you really start out with nothing?
Or was it less than others had?
Did your upbringing teach you to make do?
Did you learn to survive in a world that isn't fair?
Did it teach you the value of a trusted friend?
Over the price of the latest fashion?
Did you learn to walk away when tempers flared?
To go out to clear negative thoughts with fresh air?
You grow older. Are you changing what you didn't like?
Or are you still living in the past?
Each negative in our lives is a lesson to be learned.
Have you been taking notes?
The world is not perfect, and neither are we.
The Earth continues to right the wrongs
that have been done and heal itself.
Every tiny step forward counts.
Every burnt pinecone seed will be a new tree.
It takes time and tenacity to see new growth.
Do you have the courage to shift your thinking?
Eyes forward and never looking back?
Richer and wiser each new day of our lives.
Be the light that someone needs
to see on this day,
and forever more.
Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.
Thumbnail:Photo by Arya Praditya on Unsplash
All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Reminder all of us need to make life bearable.
Good read!
Thank You!!
And yes, we need to give ourselves a break once in a while.
Indeed! We need to keep this in mind, before we fly off the handle and place judgement on others. No one is perfect in this realm, there is always room for improvement of self.
It is when we stop trying to improve bad seeps in.
Morning ! LOLL
Simple yet inspiring musings are in the poem.
It often happens that we remember the sorrows of the past forgetting the joy.
A shift in thinking brings a shift in every thing because this all is in our minds.
Thanks for this wonderful poem. Visiting your posts is always inspiring @snook ma'am.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I am so happy you liked the poem!!
Lovely read, my friend!
I've missed you, and all my Hive peeps!
Great food for thought as I head off to bed.
Take care!
Missed you very much too!!
I hope all is well in your world!!
waking up and reading this ..hehehe
I'm really thinking a lot of that lately... just about the lessons. how everything is a lesson. and what the point of each situation is ...that we find ourselves.
sometimes Im just tired of the constant lessons hahahhahahaha if I'm being REALLY honest.
I just want to take a break, make things easy, but I recently heard that's when we should be worried.
when we aren't struggling. cuz then we are just in a state of stagnation and limited growth
(but....I gotta tell you.... sometimes just a little break of stagnation feels so tempting. hahhaha we all need rest at SOME point right??? lololololol)
I'd like that for a bit. hehe but I'll accept what is thrown at me and keep looking for the lessons. it's important. ❤️
I hope your week was so special with your boy! hehehe love you!
AGREE! that is when we need to take the time and Reflect. This way we get some downtime but we are still moving forward just not at a jumping pace.
so stagnation doesn't have to be as long as you are still looking at your future....... If we never rest we burn out. Burnout is a full stop....... which is not good either.
And it really has been wonderful. He leaves tonight at 2 am.......
My house will be very quiet tomorrow......
Be the light hmm.
I remember. Working, grafting even, and then you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Work will be done soon. The light gets closer and closer. Brighter and brighter.
Then you see the shadow. It's not the light at the end of the tunnel. It's some bastard with a torch, bringing you more work.
There is always more work LOLLL
Each day of life is over-time.
That was a good, self reflection poem. A question left unsaid even to you could mean you're living like the undead.
You capped it off really well with that ending.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
No problems
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Always looking for something positive to keep me going on.
Even if were tiny steps.
❤️ Every burnt pinecone seed will be a new tree ❤️ Indeed! You are fabulous 😁
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