A Poem: To Love a Sociopath

in #poet8 years ago (edited)


To love a sociopath
Is an easy mistake to make
They have so much charm
But they can cause so much harm
And they know everything you like
And what you fantasize
Because they psychoanalyse
But the love they give you isn’t true

They come across as confident people
But of course they have no fear
They seem charming and sincere
But love is what they have a lack of
They believe work is beneath them
Because they don’t care for personal income
They are fantastic in bed
Because they have no shame
They are never to blame
Because they have no remorse
And of course
They have no connection to the past
Because they have no real friends
Only people they use
For a means to an ends

They have an inflated ego
Narcissistic and sadistic
A manufactured being
Always faking feeling
A mirror of your desires
Often cold and unemotional
But with a flair for dramatics
And other fleeting displays of feeling

With sociopathy you often see
A Jekyll and Hyde personality
To them it’s just a game with one aim
To get what they want
And that is to use you
And when they are bored
You are devalued and discarded
Left broken hearted

To love a sociopath
Is an easy mistake to make
And you’ll never really know
Because chaos creates the aberration
A charming master of manipulation
Who plays your heart for recreation
A true chameleon who acts Machiavellian
A real scheme machine
So charming
So loving
So disarming
So kind
How alarming
To love a sociopath

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover
And I still do


Great poem, could really relate to it, and despite the controversy about the term 'sociopath' being misused in this poem, I really enjoyed it and feel like it encompasses a lot of true emotions and feelings.


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Thank the heavens! I was jonesing so hard for some TRAIL ^_^

Great poem.
I would say this poem a was a psychopath rather than a sociopath.
The terms often get mixed up I know.
Sociopaths do have emotions and feelings whereas psychopaths do not.

Sociopaths are basically people who have developed psychopathic traits due to systematic society or family abuse/trauma over a period of time.
They are usually driven by hatred of the world and themselves and or are jealous of other people being happy. This is why sociopaths are often stalkers. They basically want they want the world to burn because they wish they had never been born. The Joker in the Batman film is a prefect example of a sociopath- he burns all the money because he does wants to hurt the world and everyone in it - so there is much emotion there.

Psychopaths on the other hand are born with virtually no emotion at all and basically dont a give a damn about anything except power and self gratification.
They are governed by the primal brain (instinct) but have higher intelligence.
A psychopath would not bother with revenge as they would see it as a waste of energy. They would only kill if it was in their benefit to do so or for fun.
A psychopath wants to live forever as a king and therefore would never burn money but instead wants all of it.

My intention is not to make your poem less because I think it is spot on only that it is a psychopath rather than a sociopath that is all.

Thanks! You are correct. I use the term sociopath mainly because I think psychopath has such negative connotations attached which detract from its meaning. And I prefer the euphonics of sociopath ^_^

I understand you completely.
The latest term being used now instead of psychopath is predator for the same reason you mention.
Nice that you got back to me.

Good poem.

Thanks! ^_^

I love this!

Thanks! ^_^