On happiness

in #poeta7 years ago

On happiness
Always prevale, prepojena,
Throughout the universe adored
And coveted from all,
Oh you, great happiness!
The source of our troubles, pleasures,
Who needs and in build and in bad weather
Moor, the Lapp, the shepherds, the kings,
Praying in the bushes and on the throne,
In exclamations and groans,
There are altars in their hearts!

Son of time, chance, destiny
Ile of unknown cause,
God is strong, fast, kind, evil!
On a spherical chariot,
Crystal, slippery, fatal,
Following the shining daybed,
Through mountains, steppe, seas, forests,
Every day you ride the light,
You're waving your magic fly
And perform miracles.

Where you turn your back,
There in ashes Grady you translate,
You bring in fear of heroes;
Sultans you enclose in a cage,
You bring kings to execution.;
But if you OK, although in jeer,
Will olabisi looks on someone —
A servant doing the Lord of the world,
On rags purple
You're pinning it on him.

In those days of human enlightenment,
As no Kikimora phenomena,
As you only all do wonders:
Damsels and ladies magnifying,
From stones gold cook,
In the eye of patriotism spit,
You roll the whole world;
As speed your examples
The earth is full of all the Cavaliers
And the whole world became a Brigadier.

In those days, as everywhere Skorokhod
Before you run to the Russian people
Laura tearing it in the winter,
Istanbul beard erotiche,
On the Brand you go leapfrog;
Ask Stockholm pepper want,
Berlin fabricate you mustache;
And the Thames in the Hoop-skirt dress,
Crest Warsaw inflate,
Smoke Dutch sausages.

In those days, as Vienna encourage,
Paris pukli break,
Madrytu raise the nose,
In Copenhagen the frost sow,
Beam raise Gdansk roses;
Crown, Malta is not happy,
But Greece do you want to yawn;
And Rome, the feet that did not swell,
Leaving the saints shoes,
Kings hate kissing them.

In those days, all the merry-making everywhere in the:
Politics and justice,
The mind, the conscience and the law of Holy,
And the logic of the feasts feast,
On the card put the Golden age,
The fate of mortals ponterwyd,
Selenu in tenteleva bend;
As the poles, the meridians,
Science, the muses, the gods are drunk,
Everyone jumps, dances and sings.

In those days, as everywhere eriance
Do not sow, but only reap the coins,
Their money to burn;
As the taste and manners were respectrules,
The whole world became a striped jester;
Monkeys in the air appeared,
Light shining lights,
Waistbelt of orange in schools;
On magnificent card thrones
Sitting tinsel kings.

In those days, as wisdom among thrones
One does not knead pasta,
Does not go to the smithy to forge;
And wasn time only dull
Please muses to let him
And with his skillful feather,
No serasa in any way, with anyone,
For common and its fun,
The Comedy-a says, brushing his manners,
And humming hem, hem, hem.

In those days, with no one as incomparable,
She is mated to you,
It is impossible in fairy tales to tell,
Nor write with the pen beautifully,
As the mercy of likes shed,
As it truly reigns,
Does not burn, does not cut without trial;
And unless somehow the nobles
And so and that, frowning faces,
They do sometimes.

In those days, as meet everywhere eyes
She universe on springs
And weighs the scepters of kings,
Traces of eagles soaring sees
Reptiles and snakes;
Smashing enemies, not hate,
And only suppresses evil;
Without armor heroes and armor
Abhorrent to squeeze lemons in his paws,
He wants everything to bloom.

In those days, as a scepter gracious
She Perun to countries iron
And thunder far away
Bears on the moon the state,
And bomb pours, if hops;
His pleasing the Kingdom,
It keeps warms and gives life;
In the cold fireplace lights,
Wood and hay stores,
The boyar and the mob will do good.

Those days and times are wonderful
Your eyes on me semestinya
Stretch, of kings the king!
Stretch out and grace a smile
You despised creature.;
And if I'm not created by a pawn,
Lie born out of dust,
Asking you to be my friend;
A grain of sand can be a pearl,
Pat me and Pat me down.

Sometimes you take me to the boyars
In love you will enter: I take everything for free,
On promissory note, in debt without payment;
Judges, clerks and prosecutors,
In front of himself grumbling,
My eyes are touching
And yearn for my word,
And I have all past on the parquet
Running, nose vzdornov, to the office
And not put a penny in anyone.

Sometimes, under someone else's attire
With beauty chernobrova next
Il with white, sitting with me,
You checkers, card-playing play;
Your beautiful hand.
You open the ACE of hearts,
Heart your those you seem to glance;
I have to tell the king throw,
Queen to rook I will make it look,
I give marriage and checkmate.

Sometimes, cute science
And muses, stretching out his arms,
Breakfast will come to me
And all mine will be seated;
And I, svirel mood here,
With their each Lira the same, the same
Play, yesterday played.
I agree trill! mutual tones!
Delight of all senses! For you crown
Then would take did not want.

And now I was fifty;
Flying his own happiness promenila,
Without armor I would-be hero;
The fair sex just pisses me off.,
Cupid no feathers — bat,
Barely alive, and the nose will hang.
Hid and in game my treasure;
Not passionate with me like before.;
The boyars Panadol pusy,
And I have all became is to blame.

Hear, hear me, about Happiness!
And, the sun as through storm, bad weather,
So on me and you look;
Please, I beg you kindly,
You're my fate premani;
Because you're Almighty and strong
To do good from the most evil;
From God's hand
Horn honks on the tone sclipicy
And winds a lock of hair, crest.

But, Oh! how kind of you scope
Ile light balloon Montgolfier,
Shining in the air, flying;
The universe stretches out his hand,
Calling you, you're not looking,
But often, your ball will fall
At the whim of one of your
On stumps, on bumps, on decks,
On dirt and on rotten water;
And rarely, rarely-on people.

Come to me, my dragoe,
Silver, gold
Treasure and deity!
Later pricci to your favorites!
I temple you and triumph
I will, and everywhere on porches
I'll scatter your flowers;
I'll light the incense,
I'll take a bow,
Where do you live.

I will live in a rich mansion,
Rise in rank, and noble marriage
Horace relatives Pictus;
Pen my nice-scolarum
I'll rise above reason
And by becoming ungrateful,

  • Beatus! my brother, on the oxen
    Himself fields screaming
    Or your grazing herd!—
    I'll shout at feasts.

Alas! yet you do not heed,
About Happiness! my plea,
You despise my vows —
Know, objectionable I you.
But sofas do you downy,
In the shadows of Myrtle and Laurel,
Il live in the gold country —
Heed, whisper to your favorites,
Nobles, kings, and princes:
Calm my in me!