Poems of the past, poems of tomorrow,
Poems of joy or maybe poems of sorrow,
Poems with different emotions, poems with lazy notions,
Poems that describe how I feel,
Poems with picture poems so real.
Poems that are not shy, poems that speak the truth
Poems that shake the tree and leaves the fruit
I want to impress myself, I want to break records
I want to express myself, I want to be a force to reckon with
Poems about things people forgot
Poems that give starving minds food for thought
Poems that dissect the past and predict the future
Poems that wade to the middle and leave the shores
I have a burning desire to be a poet with fame and the greatest that ever liveth

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I am not a Poem Kinda Guy but that seems Pretty Nice to me.
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Very nice poem, I enjoyed reading it.
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Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues