( poetry ) # 99 Under world

in #poetry7 years ago


Tartaros was a deep place , precipice ,
Dark cave maybe ,
In which Jove had slat the Titans and Saturn .
Tartarus was in the extreme part ,
Near Oceanos Potamos ,
Close to Iron Gates .
It is the same region where today is the mountain
Called Tatul.
Tartarus pater , where "pater "
Is only simple explanation or repetition of the word.
Place who had become absolute .

author : Maja Jovanovic
Marxcoin owner MjVj6CSPWE62UY2c8u7fZs4S5NeTzhiYq5



I want to borrow myself a million bit.RUBLE and hedge it against the irresistible ascencion of Arthuro Hui $BTS ;)

Titans or Excaliburs in the precipice of shitcoins like MarxCoin.... ??? HODL and remove all your sell orders under 0.1 BTC / Marx.... Oniric image and context as usual Maja... Thanks! (we used an Excalibur to Mine the Marx and not a TITAN ;)