Coloring Contest

in #poetry6 years ago


He offers free pics for use on Steemit. Check out the pics he has so generously given to the community here. Photography provided by @manoldonchev

Coloring Contest
By Stephen Martin

An unbearable nothing;
The time taken to lament a salutation.
So these lambastes go unnoticed.
They entice none.
So my spewing is unchallenged
Because it's lost on everyone…
Including my (s)elf.

So I take a beat
A long beat
But not so long, really
And I start again.

The chalk lined pinions are nothing but decrees
Given by the wizard breath inherent in my dreams
I speak of nothing so flat fast that it trips my special gifts.
It's like riffing on an aeroplane, but doing it from the bathroom–in a whispering lullaby that is meant to pacify an inner demon, that is never pacified.
It's like smoking pot and blowing the smoke into a paper towel tube banded at one end with a fabric softener sheet and expecting everyone around you not to smell the reeking death stink.
It's like looking at all the little children and trying to ignore all the dysfunction that they are swimming in. Instead, projecting a vibrant energy that makes everyone feel better.
It's not that I'm a killjoy.
It's more that I am bored with anything but raw truth.
But should I shovel this raw vegetable Mash into my small stomach with so much force that I repeatedly hurl in front of everyone around me and they have to sit and smell the vomit? Or run away?
Or should I just only eat what's necessary?
Should I only make tiny little colorful tarts and present them with a smile?

It could become a quagmire if I let it.
It's not quite an Ashfield at the feet of a phoenix.
Instead it's more like one of those huge box of crayons and a blank sheet of white paper.
I can sit down and draw almost anything.
I just need to tone down the scribbling.
Yeah, they're faster and & easier to pump out, and they often do communicate what I intend,
But they are just scribbles.

I figure as long as I don't lie to myself,
And I continue having fun,
Scribbling's not a big deal.

But at some point I would like to win the elementary school's coloring contest.

I am a student of and ambassador for #steemschools.

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@dobartim thank you for creating #steemschool. @d-pend thank you for the initial invite. Thank you to everyone else in our community. We can manifest dreams together.

I am a member of PoetsUnited. A community devoted to poetry. Join us.


Thank you for the mention and I am glad you found me useful. I will read this post tomorrow morning.

All the best,


Come check out PoetsUnited Community for poets and poetry lovers. Also are you Bulgarian By any chance if so :) nice to meet ya

Thanks! I am. And I will. I do some writing challenges and you may find useful link to them in my recent posts.

The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @acousticsteveo, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.

This sounds great. Thanks for stopping by. I just followed and will be exploring your stuff soon. 😎

🥇 Your poem chosen for 1st spot 🥇 daily dose banner1-1.jpg
from 13 poems by a panel of 3

Wow. Thank you for all your hard work curating and creating such a great community.

I'm all for scribbling privately, and yet it remains necessary for all but that rarest of things, the gods themselves, to defend the scribbles which they unleash upon the unsuspecting world.Screenshot from 2018-10-19 07-17-23.png
Art by John Lennon, shared without permission - for purpose of discussion, not for profit ;-)

I definitely have no control over the process. At least as far as deciding whether or not to set it on my door step for the neighbors to see. It's like I need to provoke gossip. Lol. 😎