A country that can be read between the lines I

Hello, kind readers.
Writing is not easy. And writing poetry is less easy. There is in the person who writes poetry a careful, slow and sensitive look There is also a way of ordering the world and the letters on a page, a way of saying, of apprehending, catching and writing. But above all, there is in the person who writes, the ancestral and human need to express themselves in spite of silence, of repression, of the limitation of words, of the different layers of skin that are sometimes a hindrance, since language is sometimes hindered, by contaminated gaze or inexpresivity.
But must there be or is there something exclusive in the poetic object? Is there a particularity, a quality in which poetry is written or made? Do you need something special to be the motive of a poem? Apparently not: you can talk about the night, the wind, the man, the woman, life and nothingness. You can also talk about a country. You can also write, poetize about the spoils, circumstances of a country and its citizens.

Ana Teresa Torres (2012) says:
I can not imagine a great writer writing about things he does not care about. I can not imagine that someone builds a literary work without starting from that which moves its existence. I can not imagine how it is written while absent from the written. (208)
According to the previous words, it is doubtful that a writer does not talk about what seduces him, what touches him, what shakes him. You can't write about what doesn't bother you, it worries you. Besides, you write because you feel, you agree or disagree, you are related, you are committed. The other attitude is false, empty and hypocritical.
In recent years, I have observed that there are more writers who stop at the brilliance, the nobility, the pride of our country, but also stop to see the rubble, to talk about the decomposition, the absurdity in which it has been converted Venezuela. To paraphrase Leonardo Padrón: "the country has become a cultured and sensitive issue, in a daily pat on the shoulder."

It is not my intention to affirm or argue that in previous decades the country has not been the motive or center of our literature, and the texts have been windows, mirrors, echoes of our reality. But these years are witnesses of a Venezuelan literature with more reference than ours, with more concern or attention to what we are and what we are becoming.
Specifically, Professor Pedro Luis Vargas Álvarez comments that "in different ways, politics, political polarization - to be fairer - has managed to occupy the Venezuelan cultural scene and the specific field of intellectual and literary creation." There is, then, one of the most recurrent motifs in our current literature: the daily events of a fragmented society that breaks down and that is written from one side to the other.
Also, and in this we have to be honest, in these days there are things that can not be said or heard, you can only write, just read. And there is the importance of the book and literature, the writer and his voice, to survive writing. Perhaps that is why Sergio Dahbar affirms: "the country is in a process of uncertainty and people are looking for books to understand what is happening".

One of our most prestigious and outstanding poets is undoubtedly Yolanda Pantin, who has been able to write and take poetry to high expressive levels, questioners, critics. Pantin's voice rises as the most important female poetic voice of our contemporary literature, hence I thought it would be interesting to bring a poem from one of her latest poetry books and start this analysis with her.
The pelvic bone (2002) is a collection of poems with a clear reference to the sculpture of María Lionza, where the queen of El Sorte, mounted on a tapir, raises a pelvic bone to the sky as a symbol of the feminine and fecund. In this book you can glimpse the reality of the country at a time marked by bewilderment, anarchy, restlessness. Poem VI of this text says:
They've cut our thread.
You can hear the music
Spheres hurt

The beginning of this poem is very representative: "The umbilical thread has been cut," he tells us, and we immediately associate it with the bond between a fetus and its mother. This cord is broken. And it is not an action done by the voice, by those affected, nor does it occur naturally, but it has been done by others. There is then a clear idea of the division, rupture, provoked and distance between mother and children, a filial separation:
Metropolitan patrols.
Believe, believe in something other than corruption.
You yourself are
From your helplessness: a cynic.
But you are in your country,
Didn't a wise man write
Following tradition
Of centuries, before dying
A sign that conjugates
Breathing with death,
Biting his head?
Then, the following four verses speak to us of the environment of caravans and patrols as opposing elements, facing each other, if you like. History is a snake that bites its tail, history repeats itself again and again, inevitably. But "you are in your country", we are told and it seems that this state is a guarantee, enough argument to believe that anything can happen:
Let's go to the center
Where a fence
Human awaits us, stones
To grind the hulls
There will be no bandajos
In this multitudinous act,
No bells.
We will ring the hatreds,
The country has already been cut off
Whose fear subsists.

In the following verses we are told where we are going and we are told that it is the confrontation. It is worth returning to the verses that follow: "We will sound the hatred, / Already cut the country / Whose fright subsists. Hatred as the only sound that repeats itself, as a slogan, as a cry that comes out. The country is divided and terror, sorrow, hostility survives:
There is the sun
This looks like a perorate.
It's premonition.
There is the sun
Priva in the valley
A mountain in bloom.
At the end of the poem, I observe how the poetic voice shelters from a hope, rocking in spite of the silence with the repetition of "There is the sun" and that "Mountain in bloom" as a witness. It is a labyrinth, but it has a way out, which is not today, but tomorrow.

As you may have noticed, in this poem by Yolanda Patin the lyrical voice speaks to us of the current situation in Venezuela, of its chaos, of the war between brothers, of the hatred sown by the government, but it also speaks of hope, of that hope that refuses to die.
Tomorrow, when all evil has passed, surely our children will open the books and find there the history that we live, the terror that we suffered, and that knowledge will make sure that they do not make our mistakes, nor will they be enveloped in oblivion. Because a people that has no memory is condemned to repeat history.
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Venezuelan literature, and in particular poetry, has come out to manifest the voice of the discontent and uncertainty, of helplessness and defenseless that we have had to suffer in the country we share, @nancybriti. I think it was Horacio Guaraní who wrote and sang: "If the singer quiet, life quiet". But Holderlin also said in one of his poems: "Por what poets in dark times?". Yolanda Pantin, in an almost prophetic gaze, announced in that poem one of the roots of our contemporary evil: hatred, resentment, which was sown and promoted in large sectors of the Venezuelan population, by the leading figures (and their political parties) of the regime that dominates to this day. Helplessness is a very common emotion, and Pantin picks it up in two of his verses: "You yourself are / from your helplessness". Thank you for your post, @nacybriti, which allows us to feel and reflect through the expressive poetic verb of Yolanda Pantin. Greetings.
Yolanda Patin, as I said in my text, is one of the strongest and most recognized voices in our poetry. But like her, other writers have been able to express their feelings and make visible our great problem: the homicidal Chavista government. I hope to continue to count on your reading in the next installments. Thank you for always commenting, @josemalavem.
I think it is a global problem that politics issues in countries block the literal and intellectual creations unfortunately..But literature is such a magic field that it can describe a chaos of a country with such a way in the poems you shared.. And it finishes with hope.. We say in my country If someone's hope die. He die too. So I hope for your country and all the countries too to learn to live with peace and race in literature, poem or any arts..
At times they may block, at other times inspire. For the Venezuelan writer, the country's situation has served as an impulse for his work, a fertilizer for creation. Many have used and fictionalised the stories that are happening to us. Thank you for commenting.
How not to be grateful to the people who keep us informed of what is happening in Venezuela through any type of writing, which allows us to express ourselves and to put into words the suffering of our people, today we, tomorrow others. Expressing it in the form of poetry, is very difficult because poetry is often beautiful lyrics, with much meaning and love. As well as expressing the painful and dark of the weeks that passed, the worry for the food that before the lack of current in the refrigerator would be lost. Simply thank you for highlighting the sense and beautiful that Venezuelans write. @adsactly
Como no estar agradecida con las personas que nos mantienen informados de lo que sucede en venezuela a traves de cualquier tipo de escrito, que nos permiten expresarnos y llevar a letras el sufrimiento de nuestro pueblo, hoy nosotros, mañana otros. Expresarlo en forma de poesia, es super dificil porque muchas veces la poesia son letras bonitas, con mucho sentido y amor. Asi como expresar lo doloroso y oscuro de la semanas que pasaron, la preocupación por la comida que ante la falta de coriente en el refrigerador se perderia. Simplemente gracias por resaltar lo sentido y bonito que escriben los venezolanos.
It's good to find you here, friend @sacra! Be the hard-working person you are: a woman who struggles not to give up hope. Literature makes us open our eyes, but it also keeps us alive the faith that soon the sun will come out and everything will change for the better. So be it! Thank you for commenting. Hugs
Guao me gusto esta frase: a woman who fights not to lose hope.
una mujer que lucha por no perder la esperanza.
Agradecida por tus hermosas palabras y es verdad no perdamos las esperanzas.
Thankful for your beautiful words and it is true let's not lose hope.
Literature and art can influence the joint life in a country. One thing that is certain through literature and art can all be wrapped in beauty.
As we know in the international world there have been shocks in both the economy, politics and nature. no wonder many countries are hit by misfortune.
However, wherever you are in your beloved country you must defend it. Also when the country is straddled by malice, corruptors, dictators who grip the people's fate. Promising prosperity but miserable. A rich country will then become a struggle for outsiders and rulers.
beloved country always I miss
hit by a severe disaster and crisis
crying and moaning
endlessly crashing
lift your chest, don't bow down withered
be brave and don't hesitate to shout harder
face the problem more bravely
change it with your hand if it's power
don't let ideas freeze and then disappear
Your mouth and fingers can talk too
make your paper and your loudspeaker
against injustice, don't stop
until things get better
thank you steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia Thank you @nancybriti Thank you @adsactly
I pick up those last verses of your poem: you have to use paper and pencil, writing, to denounce injustice, not to keep silent. Thank you for commenting, @rokhani
I am so glad to know that you pick up these words.
Feel free to do it..
I am so glad to
Know that you pick up these words.
Feel free to do it..
- rokhani
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Very unique friend
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I find it very interesting and it is something that one could try to study more thoroughly and find multiple solutions