There are times when you have to burn bridges and destroy highways
especially when it leads you nowhere
but deep into your past and far away from your future.
There are times when you have to let go off things and people that add nothing to your life but takes away every part of you
it is not malice or pride
it is called 'securing your own peace'
There are times when you have to move on
because it is over and holding on to it would only cause pain and hurt
Please, move on and walk through the healing process.
There are times you have to walk alone
though it might be lonely and frightening
but understand that sometimes, the path that leads to destiny is narrow
There are times when you have to put yourself first, save yourself first.
call it selfishness, there are times you have to be selfish
don't feel bad about it.
Remember, you can save others only when you're alive and safe.
There are times when you need people
you're not created to be alone, some destinies are intertwined with yours
you need people to score your goals
Just be sure to identify the right people
they'll help you fulfill purpose in life.