At The Corner Of My Coffee (An Original Poem)

in #poetry8 years ago

There is no peck at the corner of my coffee

It only talks about a mild desire

or just a matter of a reluctant cloud hanging in the sky of the city

It's all just a matter of taste, not the tastes

Although sometimes I know tastes rushed ask discussed 

though not needs to be explained through language

There is no hugs at the corner of my coffee

only the brave fragrance keep splatter meet nose to my head

aside from that, it's just a matter of empty chatter about habits 

or all tired who want him removed. just a matter of taste

Although in the heart more a sense that its contents should be discussed.

There are no handrails at the corner of my coffee

just a discussion of ambiguous about the erratic daily news

or just a matter of the rain that is not present even though the month has expired

She said miss

Although it missed the rain not same with mutual longing

Sometimes a sense that one is not quite satisfied with just sitting together in the corner

Somehow at the corner of your coffee..