Some days I scream at my Soul
For choosing to come here.
To save souls that don't wish to be saved -
To drown in a sea
Of endless pleas
As they turn away from extended hands.
I feel myself begging for numbness
To find a poison strong enough
To rid this disease from these veins
Yet I can't seem to find enough.
What's the right dosage?
The right tonic to soothe
These aches?
For my will to remain
My heart is skipping
Erratically with thoughts of you.
I always knew Love
Was a crimson stained field
Of swords and shields
Always willing to rush in
But forgetting what ideals I fight for.
Torn between worlds
Lost in a haze of this mirrored labyrinth
As I drop to my knees
In horror of who we've all become.
Are these simply reflections
Of my Harvest?
Have these fruits truly rotted before
They could be saved?