
I'm sure you can draw even better then that :)Many thanks @andysantics48.

I'm an expert at stick men :P

Ha Ha, I might use them one day for one of my posts.

I've been playing some games for you lol - i don't really know how it happened but oh well - if you play some too you might get something out of ithehe I'm sure you can do better stick men :) oh and by the way go check out @davemccoy

Thanks for that, lol I played some the other day, but only 3 games I think. If I win don't worry I send you some of the winnings.

Oh no you don't have to do that - did you tell him you'd played coz I've been really slack at that and he can't figure it all out himself lol

lol I cant remember, I might go and play some more if I get some time though. Unless you want to carry on for me,lol