The Morning After~ A Poem

in #poetry8 years ago

The kettle whistles
A catcall
I can still feel your presence in this room
Indentations on my skin
From a lovers lips
Who were hungrily looking for love
Where only lust was to be had
I loved you then
I held you now
But my heart didn't flutter
And my senses went numb
Pour me a tea
I'll be on my way
After polite conversation
Where you imply
If I can stay
My answer hasn't changed
-No more


Enjoyed this poem! Upvoted indeed

Great poem. I identify with it. The dismissive avoidant in love.

Afraid to get hurt but more afraid of commitment..... Ces't l'amour....

C'est la théorie de l'attachement... somehow doesn't have the same ring :) Great depiction of the shut down of feelings in response to the menace of looming intimacy (equaling inevitable pain in the mind of the dismissive avoidant). "But my heart didn't flutter And my senses went numb".

Sometimes it's the craving of solitude, of using my own wings💜

He he, you express this much more poetically than do I :)

After reading some of your poems my friend, I feel some real life story in them, am i right?

Yes, many are about my ex husband, I remain his best friend, it's ridiculous. But we are too alike and that is not A good thing. I decided to leave him, I moved on and yet.....

relatable! Unfortunately

A heart without a break is not possibly human....

The balance is tricky! I am always the one to say goodbye, in fact, leaving is what I do best. ;)

Another awesome string of words waxed poetic.

When I bought my home i promised myself I would never move into a mans home, when I got married I had him move in. It feels as it's easier mentally to ask someone to leave than for me to pack up and leave on a whim as it is my habit lol

I so get that! I always insist on my house or a new (old) house together. I have a thing about mattresses too... in my serious relationships there needs to be no other womans funk where I lay my head, maybe that's the witch in me... or the Saukfox ways of my Mamo (as she learned me up on that). lol

Haha me too, I made my ex get a new bed when we moved together. I need to imprint myself on things.

I know that's right! hehe

Best yet my friend! And in the finding the losing...

Sometimes finding the lost can be filled with all kinds of unwanted baggage... I trail in things on my petticoat lol

That's really really good🌷

Thank you friend! I've been sick and busy but today I promise to stop by your page💜