Love, a free verse poem by Ash

in #poetry8 years ago

If I cannot express these passions then what am I but a slave to those that hurt me and tear my emotions limb from mutilated limb

Love is not something you dedicate to a significant heartache, nor is it reserved for a twisted family of unknown faces to each other, love is not vindicated by friends who demolish your aspirations. NO, love is something you give to the ones you care about, who you show compassion and caring towards and they reverberate those very same values back towards you. Love is not something that is expected it is something that is earned. Love should not hurt it should make you feel happy, it is not something to be taken for granted because losing love is something worse than the lonely isolation before you felt it. Love is a symphony of angelic emotions that bring you to peace and cause your heart to beat out a rhythm of beauty. It is what keeps us together throughout the hardships we face, and in the end love will be the only fortress of solitude left to combat the desolate journey of death we must all partake. Love is meant to be the last gleaming Ray of hope in the dark abyss, without it, all hope will surely be lost, but together we can light up the world.