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RE: 'Islam is a Garbage Religion' —@lexiconical (Day 22)

in #poetry7 years ago

Well, I'm not a Taoist and I have tolerance for all spiritual traditions, but I don't think that they are leading to Love - that's why I made the remark about religions being routed in Love to be something new.
I know, that they claim that, but their actions over history have spoken another language - and with that I don't mean Islam alone.
The fact, that I resonate with Rumi, but not with the religion as it shows itself in present time, is for me a sign for the perversion over time.


I try not to throw the luminous baby out with the sordid bathwater. Similarly, I do not overlook the great good that religions continue to do, quietly, in the hearts of people of faith, worldwide. I think it would be arrogant to do so.

It's important to know history, and if we do, we know that Rumi, too, lived in a time of violence turmoil and religious persecution and, as a Muslim, spent part of his life as a refugee and a migrant. So, it does not help to glorify the past.

The problem, as I see it, is not with religion, but with us - the violence and certainty of our views which translate into bigotry and worse...