RED balloon
floating through frames
of Thirties celluloid
dusty RED
black feet dancing
rhode island RED
bustling scratchily
in the poo speckled straw
RED back
hiding in the cupboard
spinning her web
marxist RED
hiding under the bed
spinning in the Fifties
RED shoes
shining, dancing
dancing till death
carmine RED
shining on clowns' noses
audience laughing
RED wine
dancing on drunks' noses
everyone laughing
the RED queen
running faster and faster
growing smaller and smaller
deep RED
roses, richly perfumed
always remind me of you
by Alison Cassidy
I love myself
I love my friends
I love steemit
I love what I wear
I love red
Loudly attracting the eyes
And the minds that care RED
Spilling thoughts on the platter of roses RED
Perfect match when laid
On the side with my royal blue RED
If you ask me, that's true royalty.
I love your poem
Not because I love RED
Even though I do
Nor because I love poetry
Even though I do
But because I love your poem
It's simply RED
Nice choice of colour
Thank you
Aunty fashion
Lol....yes swtie