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Your presence is so tempting
Do not believe hesitate to ask
why this happened
I started to feel something unusual
Thumping in the chest, is this love ...?
My fantasies flit
You always imagine
Until carried away in every dream
When love has spoken
Say hello romance
Accept and welcome
how beautiful
When love has spoken
Broke between us
Longing to be hearted both together

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I do not think I should be the best
Sometimes love is not necessarily
Must be had
Likewise myself and his self
No power to change everything
Forgive the symbols prefer him
Decide your wishes
Forgive the behavior has chosen him
The destruction of your heart
I can not duplicate
Love his love
Sometimes No Love
Must be Stylish
And so is yourself and you
Will Not Change Everything
I can not let him for you I'm sorry
Forgive the behavior has chosen him
The destruction of your heart