Men without boats tend lines
near the end of the jetty.
They are baited with a sweet scented dough
that they drag near the rocks
to tantalize Sheephead.
One after another fiberglass yachts
exit the harbor.
They are loaded with girls in bikinis
and potbellied men asking for drinks.
Their wakes slap the jetty
and the oil from their motors
drifts in wide slurries
covering the lines
the fishermen tend.
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Nice Picture and nice to meet you.
Thanks, likewise.
This is deep...
Thanks, all about the haves and the have nots.
Upvoted and followed. Return the favour too.
Thanks, already up voted, I will look at your blog.
Great observation with the rhythms in flow here. A beautiful piece.
Thanks, glad you liked it.
Thank you kind sir.