And from within your house of might and class,
You grab a stone, so large, and throw it fast,
But then you look in shock, your face aghast,
As it crashes thru your fragile walls of glass!
Don't you just wish you could go back in time and throw good vibes instead. You know I do but all one can ever do is love in the moment. I really felt this last stanza.
and the poem was good.Very interesting @bhmcintosh
Thank you, @preety.
And from within your house of might and class,
You grab a stone, so large, and throw it fast,
But then you look in shock, your face aghast,
As it crashes thru your fragile walls of glass!
Don't you just wish you could go back in time and throw good vibes instead. You know I do but all one can ever do is love in the moment. I really felt this last stanza.
Yes, indeed. Thanks for your considerate insights, P.
Lovely one!
I appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
Good post
Thanks! I appreciate it.
Wow..Thanks for uploading a nice poem..
I am glad you liked it!