I am a body
am a girl
With blood of whom
Shall fight the words
Of men who judge
On common roads
With tar of gender
Defining worth
And how dare I
Accept the truth
Of cooking up
In hiding shadows
I am a girl
I am a girl
And this shall not
Define my strength
For strength is what
I use to build
The wall in which
The cackling men
Attempt to break
But have to climb
To see the death
Of weaker acts
For I will not
Accept the fate
Of soaring birds
Inside my soul
And sprinting herds
That I uphold
And I will bulk
And lift and grow
And men won’t dare
To spoon feed mouths
That greater sex
Is man and size
And not a girl
With passion full
And will not boast
With such high zest
That they are men
And we are small
I am a girl
I am a girl
And I will not
Accept a man
Whom to this day
Claims guilt free form
For touching lean
Without a grant
From girl who owns
Her body dressed
In said to be
Such pleading skirts
That long for feel
From thoughtless man
I will not let go
Of disrespect
Nor men who think
I dress for them
And lash my hem
To flash at them
For approval of men
Who look below
And not within
My fighting heart
I am a girl
am a girl
And I see war
But not the war
With men one side
And women other
But men on side
And women weapon
To his hide
And many float
For peaceful sake
But I myself
Will not partake
- Bianca Gain