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RE: Behind The Mask

in #poetry3 years ago

Amazing! I once read and there's a theory about child development that we create masks to be able to make sense of what we see around us. As the adult world can be very hard to understand and full of ambiguous and messy stuff. This results in wounds that therefore we create those masks to protect yourselfs from the outside world.

In this theory it is said that we need to forgive and thank those "mask self" as they were part of us that adapted in order to stay alive.

I find it's not always easy to let your oppinions and voice freely speak. But thankfully here on Hive I found out I can trully speak my mind. No fears (well, a little bit 😆), full heart and the hope to be a contributor to the community 🤗

Thank you for the reminder to be true to yourself 😃


That's a very interesting theory. Probably would never have looked it at that way. I do see these masks as a form of protection or shield.

I feel many people hide behind masks because they don't feel good enough or confident enough in their own feelings and choices (at least that was why I hid behind mine for so long). Once I realized my worth and value (found through Jesus Christ) I never had to hide behind it or use it to shield me ever again.

That’s one of the reasons I’ve been on this platform for so long. It’s a judgment free open zone to speak your mind and express yourself. I’m glad you already feel comfortable here and the more you write the more relaxed you’ll become. ☺️

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and provide your input ~ ❤️

Hey there! Sorry for the delayed repply but it's been a few busy couple of days (I like to think a little bit on my replies beforehand and I found myself with low energy this days) ^^ I hope you are well 😁

I'm so glad you found your value and worth in your own way! Because you have it, so much. As far as I know you, you're input and help made a difference in my experience in this journey. So I want you to know you are valued and thank you 💜

Regarding to me, I feel I'm slowly learning about my own value and worth and not being afraid to show it. It took quite a lot of reflection to identify and change old behaviours that are not getting me to where I wanna be.

I totally get what you're saying about this being a judgement free open zone! I felt it since my very first post and it has given me confidence to express myself even outside this screen I'm facing! I really see a positive change in myself and I believe that coming to Hive and discovering all of this love and respected freedomn through this types of interactions with awesome people!

Hugs! 🤗

No apologies necessary. Being here long enough I’ve learned that when people have the time to comment back they will ;)

As far as I know you, you're input and help made a difference in my experience in this journey. So I want you to know you are valued and thank you 💜

Thank you so much for that sweet comment. ☺️🤗

I am glad that you are seeing and figuring out your own value. I think this is important for everyone to find as it keeps us motivated and going.

I love hearing that other people feel the same way in regards to how this platform is. I hope you continue on this path, enjoying yourself as you discover exactly what you’re made of.

Stay encouraged ~ 💛

I will! 💜