Fire always wins
Deep within me there is fire,
it is always,
It will always be.
Ignited on a late March morning,
growing raging,
fighting to be free.
It's a flame that can't be dampened
Fueled by words it wakens,
Ever ready to devour,
everything but me.
I dance within the fire,
it dances within me,
Words are the music,
crackling forth without restraint.
Spinning under stars unfaltering,
The great destroyer,
shapes my creation.
Across worlds uncounted in the place behind my eyes,
Blazing trails none can follow,
leaving everything behind.
There is no denying fire,
it has always been.
It must satisfy its hunger,
Fire always wins.
The poem is an original written by me. Photo is courtesy of Pixaby

Dang your poem is way better than mine was lol
I've written a few of them though. That was your first one. I thought yours was great ;)
I think it sounded like a dr. sues book. lol I would like to learn to write them better