This is a verse about a good friend of mine who is a double amputee. He lost both of his legs as a small child, around 5 years old, due to a serious medical emergency. Life is extremely hard for him, mainly because just getting around day to day is literally pain. To top it off, he can't go anywhere in public without everyone staring at him, pointing, etc. He's had to deal with that his entire life, and he still rises everyday to face that challenge head on. That is strength. This verse is dedicated to him.
I see you wake up everyday, like there isn’t hope
People stare and look at you, like a telescope
Say it doesn’t get to you, you’ve learned how to cope
I can see the anger though… It’s hard to let it go
Happened as a youngin, asking God the reason that he chose
Looking through the window pane, for your super hero
Children can be fucks, saying stupid shit like freak show
Vowing that one day, all those fucks would eat crow
I just wanna see you rest, and get relief bro
can’t imagine single day walking with your feet bro
If they hate on you, goddamn they are evil
I don’t understand all those sick fuckin people
shit that you’ve been through, most of us would weep, so
Hold your head up high, you are stronger than it seems yo
Hope is just a seed, and in time you’ll see a tree grow
If you ever can not stand it, you can lean on me bro
Image from PixabayGuest post by @jamesgetsit
So touching bro, wish your friend the strength to keep on, its not easy bro. God bless
He's definitely a trooper though. I don't know anyone else in my life who would be able to go through what he does on a daily basis and still want to get up in the morning. Real strength.
Thanks for checking this out!
I'm not sure if the staring would be worse, or the people trying to avoid staring, so they look away.
The worst are the people who randomly come up and expect him to just sit there and talk to them about his entire life story. Happens almost every time we hang out. Some random person wants to come over and talk to him, and they usually all mean well, but that's what really gets tiring for him.
Thanks for checking it out!
Amazing! Upvoted and followed by @cryptoryno33
Nice post @bulleth
Great story i wish your friend well.upvoted and followed.