I think you might mean there is a huge difference in what is claimed by western media and sensasionalists looking to push forward extremest examples of what is done 'in the name of religion' and the common perception of the goals and cultures that make up the majority of that religion.
but yes, I can see here that your argument is rooted in western media, culture and understanding. For me, I never forget that winners write the history books, my friend, not to say that it is in any way wrong, but that lens will always be passed from writer to reader.
Also, and this is just my opinion, to have read Yahia's writing and simultaneously say and hold that religion, which is often held between palm and pen for him, does not bring more love into the world at this current time is an insult to the wisdom and grace with which Yahia strives to bring light and joy into the world. And, again my opinion, he's not the only muslim to be doing so. nor hindu. nor bhuddist. nor taoist. nor jew. nor christian. etc.
Thank you, dear Alain, for your elegance of spirit. I'm grateful for the unfortunate post I read this morning for what it brought forth from generous souls such as yourself.
Just as extremists don't represent a faith, so the narrow-minded and narrow-hearted don't define the human experience.
Thank goodness, we have poetry to expand consciousness and possibilities...
I can't say I'm grateful to the post, but I am certainly grateful for you and the community here on Steem who actively dedicate time to allowing people to meet and open dialog with people and cultures they otherwise may never interact with.
Allow people to learn that, behind the masks we (most often politically) paint for foreign cultures to wear, is a person; much like our friends; much like family; much like ourselves.
Being human isn't as rare an experience as we sometimes want to make it out to be.
Thank goodness at that, my friend ^_^ <3