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RE: Terry's Poetry Tryings. Time Does Not Wait!

in #poetry7 years ago

I really like the quality that the frequent ellipsis provides. I love ellipses, but I don't think I've ever tried to use them in a poem. It makes it seem like there's so much more going on between the words.

Thanks for sharing, Terry! Time most certainly doesn't wait.


Hi, Chris!

I tried to abstract from the quatrains and cross rhymes that I used... always :) I still can not understand what came out of all this... so feedback is more important than ever! Thank.

P.S. Happy New Year to you!

Well I salute you for leaving your comfort zone. If I tried to write poetry without my regular, reliable rhymes, meters, iambs and rhythms it would be the trainwreck of the century. :)

Happy new year to you too! It's gonna be a great Steemin' year!