Nice words

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

Since I last brought these nice words I've become a bit of a curmudgeon. My words aren't so nice anymore, they don't hold any weight, they float away in cantankerous wirlwinds. My words aren't as nice as before. Nice words are weightless and impenetrably and detach from us. They leave us wanting more. I wish I could contain nice words but they must be set free. I'll toss my nice words at you and strike a cord that rings throughout your day. I'll organize nice words that spell out little treasures you can store away for hard times. Today nice words are dropping like anvils. Today nice words satisfy hungry bellies and tuck us in at night. I hope you moa down on some nice delicious words today. Nice loving words that bring a smile to your face. Take any niceness from my words, perhaps they might make your words nicer. You see, the Earth is bold and a dangerous place. It's not for the light spirited. Every soul incarnated here is the bravest of the brave. Earth is most certainly for those with the highest sense of #humor.

Consider the warmth of nice words. True, conflict begets conflict, but remember also conflict begets resolution. If you prepare for the worst you should also prepare for the very best. If you hear destruction you should also listen for creation. Often the most heated debates bring forth the most persuasive resolutions. Often the most explosive arguments result in the most volatile acceptance. Newer and deeper insights emerge from our disagreements and misunderstandings. Let's align with the human spirit that seeks to honor and dignify different points of view. Let's align with the horizon already broadening its perspective. We won't allow hateful conflicts to knock us off the dangerous precipice we walk. Sure, Earth is dangerous, but we use violent conflicts to deepen our understanding of how to establish #peace.

Consider how good it feels to hear nice words. True, misunderstood words propagate deformed meanings. True, we hurt people using words. But truthful words hurt to improve us too, like building our muscles, like growing stronger. Nice words penetrate to the core of our very being. Nice words wipe away our tears and clear the mirrors to see our everlasting souls. Even trivial words, even sorta nice words can leave a lasting empression, can be feasted upon and nurish others. Sisters, lay them out across the table to be consumed. Brothers, serve your finest nice words to be savored. Nothing brings growls to the tummy like the hunger for nice words. Nothing satisfies as much as nice words exchanged deep between two souls.

True, words wage wars. I say consider even more how words calm storms. Today Earth is starving for nice words. Today the city streets beg for nice words. So today lets carry nice words with us and spread them everywhere we go. Let's uproot nice words that got stuck in hard to reach places. Sometimes nice words we keep for our entire life without speaking. Sometimes nice words grow nicer even years after we say them. We hear nice words one day then forget them the next. Everyday we lower our nets into the ocean of nice words. Everyday we sow seeds in the fertile soil of our collective nice words. We are one family gathered together on Earth. Let's hurl nice words at each other and shatter the shells encapsulating our most hardened souls. Let's use gentle loving nice words to sand away even the most callused hearts. Today is a great day for us to discover our true power, the #power of nice words.

Consider the dynamite dormant in every single word you speak. Nice words can be explosive or can be whispered like gentle kisses on the ear. Nice words make it better. So much better that your true potential is only one nice word away. Even at your lowest, when fear rubs from under the table, from the unspeakable corner. Carry forth and sally onward. Speak nice words even quietly if no one listens. Speak nice words like fireballs in your hand, ready to pitch, ready to strike the deepest cord within them. Even when they don't resonate, they hit. They hit hard, it penetrates inward.

Consider this whirlwind of ups and downs, doubts and fears, hopes and dreams. That everyone is a giant river within, everyone an unspeakably huge conscience stream of thoughts and visions. Let's be good on hard days with nice words. How much potential are contained in nice words? Dangerous amounts of niceness and potential can be spoken this very moment. If you receive my words, then you've taken them. I thank you for that. I thank you for lending me your #time. I thank you for helping a dirtbag scrub like me to brush off these dirty words once and for all. To try to make them nice again. So with that I bow and bid you a nice day.

  • Jimmy James
    Of the Growling Griffin tribe
    Blueday, Saturn 10, Year 1

I visited your page, and found this post amazing! interesting ?,@ronaldmcatee