We all have our secrets,
Some a bit more than others,
We have so many regrets,
We don't want to tell others,
We all try to act up,
Covering that which truly define us,
Tell we nearly blow up,
It feels like a total blown up a crisis,
Sometimes we want to tell you about us,
Sometimes how you really don't know us,
Yet fear grips our hearts, not ever knowing,
If you'll ever see us the same by knowing,
That bad habits turned to secrets,
Could change the light with which you see us,
So each day you find us all alone,
Know that we just indulge in our habitually-secret,
Never making our thoughts known,
As we try to gain strength to try to never break it,
I hope you never ever find out my secrets,
Keep loving the only me you always know,
We all have our lonely never told secrets,
Wish I could tell you all mine so you know,
The true me that you should really know!!!!
Written by: Cindy Marlene Gustke @cmegetrich copyright©CindyMarleneGustke2018
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can I have my 0.1 sbd back for not properly putting in the memo that it was poetry and 0.1 for the one you didn't resteem called "I'll be great one day and people will 'see' me" because I forgot to put http://steemit/cemegetrich/poetry/ ...before putting the title in..hum?? so I can redo it hum???
The poem is really nice. Though, I feel like the lines below contradicts each other.
In this line you ask him to not never find your secrets. Yet, you ask him to love the real you. For him to love the real you, you need to reveal everything to him, that includes your secrets. Trust after all is very important in love. Anyways, that is just my opinion. I wish you a pleasant day.
thanks, I changed it