Road of forced aridity

Road of forced aridity
I have a strange feeling
that overwhelms my soul.
So far my life transits
on roads of forced aridity.
Wilted illusions
they have left a bitter taste
of early despair
In my being.
My tormented soul
full of coldness
go through the streets of my city.
With a feeling of dissatisfaction.
way with a battle attitude
against a regime of usurpers.

Original por @corderosiete
Original por @corderosiete
I would end all armed conflict in a second if I could. A powerful write, Cordero:)
Thank you dear friend. Long time no hear from you. A fraternal greeting
Thank you, Cordero. Back to posting and commenting now on a regular basis:)
Sorry for the delay in answering. Since yesterday I was without electricity. Almost 12 hours of rationing.
Sorry to hear that.
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Thanks for your support.