Under the sky on the beach

Under the sky on the beach
on the edge of the horizon.
Like a spell
a blind shadow
hosts the song of the waves
on the beach.
I feel in the sand still hot
waiting for the light of the moon,
a gentle breeze caresses my skin,
unbeliever for this new exist
I kiss the sand.

Original by @corderosiete
Original by @corderosiete
You have inspired new poem in me, and by this one, friend. Thank you :) .
I'm honored by your words, friend.
Pleasure is mine, friend.
Your love for beach and ocean made beautiful poem, amigo
Buen dia
Muchas gracias amigo ayahkasih. Mi respeto .
i will surely see the seas one day, thanks for this wonderful poetry
Never lose hope of knowing the most wonderful thing that the planet has. THE SEA.