I was out on a date today
Worn jeans and mangy hair
He said I looked gorgeous anyway.
I was out on a date today
We took the metro,
Mixed up our platforms,
Got onto the wrong train
Holding hands throughout,
Never once did he complaint.
I was out on a date today
Probably picked the blandest items
He swallowed them whole, smiling
And I knew I'd go there again.
I was out on a date today
On-foot under the scalding sun
Disbelief evident at those sporting natural tans for fun;
Our respite?
A blueberry cheesecake split two ways.
Sweet-tooth satiated,
We plundered on,
Past sweetmeat kiosks,
And a fruit juice junction.
I was out on a date today
Giddy, lightheaded like a kid abandoned
In a candy shop and then it was time
To part ways.
Tick Tock
I was out on a date today,
Hours three and twenty till I see him again.
Wishing a Happy Valentine's Day to all my lovely readers.💜
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