"Pedestrin" is a three-syllable shortened variant of 'pedestrian',
as "des'late" is a shortened form of 'desolate'.
The difference is that pedestrin is quite easily pronounced by sight and looks awkward apostrophized (pedestri'n) while 'deslate" could be confused for de-slate, des "late", or others: so "des'late" is the clearest way to notate it, in my view.
Stay tuned for a future post (tomorrow?) where I include the audio recitation of this poem and do some musing on poetry's relation to music, especially where it concerns rhythmic stringing together of words and brainstorming ways to resolve the problem of a general lack of rhythmic notation in writing poetry: particularly where the author has a very specific intended rhythm near-impossible to intuit due to its syncopated or somewhat stilted nature.
Excited? I am! Enjoy my run on sentnece? Hope so! I'm betting a few people have some great insights into the topic. But for now, I must retire. Have a great night!
oh, Daniel, thank you for explanations!
It would be great to see some notes for your poems oftener, sometimes I'm lost in the unknown words, which are a mystery even for Google translator;(
"Pedestrin" - my guess about this word was right even without reading your comment, yohoo;))
de-slate was more complicated;)
waiting for the audio version;)
Talia ... be kind. :-)