I hear the scufflling in the sky
As the moon moans
And stars huddle to discuss
Their curiosities
She cries in the shadows
Of her own light
Dripping tears in the
Shape of her animosities
Sleeping birds gather in fear
Try to blend in with the trees
The world stops to stare
At a storm...of such rarities
Voices simmer to a hush
All eyes , focused on the moon
Flushed with reddened cheeks
And frustration of disparities
Her lips , formulating words
To blow as wind across the sky .
She sobs a breeze , and
The world falls to its knees
As they hear her desperate pleas
To cease and desist.. atrocities,
Extinguishing the existence
Of love and peace and harmonies
In this beautiful world of ours .
i am Follow you....... you can follow me....