tell me, what do I fear?
What am I afraid to bring to life that already exists within?
I know I will nourish from my own body this new being.
From a message coded in dreams,
please show me what is hidden beneath.
pregnant with a life begging to meet the fresh air on the other side.
I trusted your medicine to make strength of the pain,
to turn fear into power.
I trusted in the process of opening in ways more than one,
and through the legs that have guided me 20 years on this Mother Earth,
I watched myself give birth to a being so pure.
Far from infantile,
with limbs beautifully intertwined.
Larger than life this full body glowed,
red like blood,
like wild fire-
This was the birth of my truest self,
my Soul.
To lead the wolves in a moonlit dance,
To speak the truth of my being.
Now makes sense to me.
Image: copyright @ Dark Natasha