In our time, the 2016, it seems that the time for our obligations consumes all of our time. Having said that we notice that even if all of our time is consumed by obligations, we still have time and urge for more obligations. For what purpose i will explain latter on. The time we get "off work" is spent doing things like shopping, cooking, cleaning, take care of our children, exercising to keep in shape, going to a second job to get more money, reading, studying or just staying at home and watch television, the list goes on... But now we must ask ourselves: "what do we do with the actual time that we are given in a day?"
What we do is what we "must" by the standards of our society. We all know the phrase "time is money". This phrase sums up our activities. We do what we must to get more money. This is in the case of around 40% of the world's population - the middle class. 50 % of the world's population do not have any property and financial resources to get access to the world market, thus having a lot of free time, but no jobs to spend the time on, so they stay in poverty. Around 10% (probably even less) who already have everything what they ever wanted of whished for also have a lot of free time, so they do what they do best, keep themselves behind social barriers and seek for entertainment of whatever their pleasure may be.
Example of this behavioral are mostly seen in the tabloids, popular magazines, television and web. To be fair, not every "elite" is like that, some are working to the extreme and even beyond that. But the work that is being done by them is not for the 50% of the world's population. No, that is " unwise " and not profitable, but the work that they do, benefits only a few people like themselves or their partners in the free market. It is easy to say that with that they provide the jobs for a lot of people. Sorry to say, but this cannot be true. The system that this world runs on does not allow that. The harder we work the more time we get to invest in to working, the more profit we will get. Competition is the very core of this world.
It is very easy to notice that something is not right with the picture that we are seeing. The middle class that is striving to join the elite is full of enthusiasm to do so. So it works and does everything in it's power to become acknowledged and to " succeed in life". Again to be fair, not everyone is like that. People help each other who need help, tend to do so with no regard to the idea of succeeding in life for they see the value of being good to the core. Humanity is something to be looked at with eyes unclouded by hate, and above all else with no EGO.
It is the very struggle of middle class that makes capitalism possible for if not for the very hard working people of this class, the main part of income of the elite would dissipate into thin air. For example:
The elite do not work the fields yet they get food.
Who works the fields? The farmers.
Do they get paid? Yes.
Is their work as important as the work being done by the elite? No.
Should it? Yes.
Do the farmers get a good pay and good working conditions to stay in business? Barely, just barely.
This struggle of the middle class also brings forth something else. The idea of freedom and revolution, for this is possible by living in struggle and having the need to succeed. People who renounce their ego and pride, come to see for themselves that being and doing good is the ultimate form of humanity. From this class struggle we see the opportunities and dangers in the way of life that is currently present. The will to help others is not something to be frown upon, but something to be cherished and look up to.
So what can we conclude from our obligations of the free time? That we are slaves to our own ego and thirst for money and security; that we do almost everything in our power to make it happen, regardless of the repercussions. The humanity of our race is a rare sight, goodness is not profitable yet people still help each other. That is what really matters.
To finish this post i will just add 1 more thing. My very first poem, so be nice and don't hate. Never had any classes on this subject so it'll be very rough - raw.
Be good to everyone, even to your enemy,
stay true to yourself, for this will save you.
Have compassion for the helpless,
for they will keep you strong and warm on the inside.
Have courage to look and step ahead,
stay on the path of good,
guide others who want to follow,
and slowly but surely we will all save the world.
Not really sure If it's a poem, i just wanted to say the gist of my post.
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Don't worry man, your depression will end and your eyes will open into a brighter day full of options and possibilities.
exactly as above said, and no matter all the hate you spew all around and no matter how much you hate, we still love you :)