It can't be explained
Your beauty is far beyond human imagination
Beauty they say lies in the eyes of the beholder
And yes, I can only compare your beauty to the "sunny day" which is based on it's warmth and brightness
Though the weather may become too hot and thus changes the situation of things on a sunny day,
but my love for you will never change because the love I have for you is natural even as your beauty is natural
Love I know is perpetual
An action and a daily choice on it's own
Love is active and not passive
i must not forget this
The most important thing I have known is to love myself which is termed as self love
I have learnt not to neglect myself
Always telling myself that am strong and should be loved the way I love you
You come first before everything else
And I strongly believe that I have gotten that kind of love in you
My love, you deserve the very best
And a glimpse of you makes me forget the rest
You deserve someone who will make you feel better
Someone to keep you motivated and teach you to pursue your dreams
That's why I always pray never to let you down as you have never let me down
Your beauty bangs in my heart and I say to myself..awwww! God has really done a great work by creating a creature like you
With you in my life I feel complete and my world is brand new.
Together,i know we can conquer our fears and the world at large
Awwwwn how beautiful nice lines buddy.
Thanks dear
Awwn ur bae is lucky oo. Beautiful words you've got there
Lol... I guess she is