
I really appreciate you saying so. My wife and I are reasonably private people and don't share a lot outside of our unit, have a small friends group, and focus on designing and creating our own ideal life and so all this sharing on steemit is a little new. Having said that I have engaged with some interesting people and have enjoyed doing so.

I appreciate people being straight-up with me and like to reciprocate which is what you have picked up on I guess. Relationships on the interwebs are funny aren't they? Back in the day of Yahoo Messenger people from across the world would fall in love and move countries only to find that the person at the other end was [surprise] not that person at all! However, when people engage with honesty, openness and in a forthright manner then I believe it's possible to actually get to know someone reasonably well without the fog of visual perception.

Thanks for your comment. Greatly appreciated.