- I hear a shot - distant dreams walk through the garden of planted hurricanes, thoughts flow like ants in the meadow, the star sleeps in me. Barking and knowledge of swords - warriors of a starry tribe - they brought fire with the help of the wind, the ether woke Nikola Tesla.
Source : garethjyoung.com/the-problem-with-cosmos/
The blindness of the psychedelia opens the eyes to those who watch the forest and diamond powers, it's not all in the money- you got gifts to share them with others - ego is the killer of intelligence - Spiritual ecstasy comes as kundalini energy, but that's just a small part of it.
- The smile fell on the roof, there is no room for normal people - lunatic hospitals are full. I sent an arrow with a sublime message - send help and the army of love generals, to enter into the hearts and minds of men - wake up in nature with the angels.
A burning wind barks on the stars - I want to drink cosmic energy while writing metaphysical poetry. With my heart breaking the walls, tears became my weapon for cleaning bad days. New times bring new winds - putting a new engine in the oldtimers I started driving up to the sky above the star.
Original poetry written by @dobartim
Hi @dobartim Congratulations your pictures were awesome and very beautiful and the post is also awesome. You always write such posts and upload such pictures.
Thanks @rajjakkhan
Nice picture
Thanks a lot @mariaozawa
Our eyes are open to the limit, but the limit is due to infinity! Amino acids are constructed fantastically, I am not allowed to enjoy absurdity and chaos!
I love your images! I am close to your views on the universe! It's difficult for me to write worthy comments, because I hardly speak English! Your creativity stimulates my interest in learning the language! I love you!
My English is not perfect, but such a nice comment - to say from a real artist like you, it's my deepest inspiration - I'm genuinely grateful for the wonderful comment. Thank you for your support @creadordelfuturo
the application one time to friend good vote me one time.
Thank for you @dobartim
I will @bachtiar0210
Thank for you @dobartim