We fly and walk, the night covers the fog of our roads. The traces of the printed walls leave the emotions in the air, music plays in the clouds of the heart. Smiling windows and audience reason has won the logic of creation, in the tunnel of your beauty the sun has fallen asleep.
Source - designstack.co/2017/01/acrylic-paintings-that-are-digitally.htmlWe restore the memory of future mistakes, the victory falls into the hands of the city dwarves, the angels hold the speech of freedom. The weight of the past spills contaminated liquid into frozen river, sin is pure in tears of sincere repentance - love in joy.
The sparkling threads cover my memory, the numbers of happiness fall in the dust of the star's blessings. heavenly fruits raising energy of consciousness in cosmic waters - we swim in Noah's Barrack on the waves of a new illusion of digital currencies.
Dreams are sweet and gentle, I feel the freedom of our movement through the thought of flying. We find peace in the temples of nature, we know the golden rules of knowledge - Love connects each cell, love is the most beautiful truth of the whole universe.
Source - creators.vice.com/en_au/article/mgpznq/trippy-morphing-gifs-james-r-eads-the-glitch
- Believe in yourself @dobartim
Beautiful poems, my friend and this exquisite reunion of love and a dream of memory! Thank you @dobartim
Beautiful poems, my friend this is very good post @dobartim
I really want you to see my new work. If you click on the link I shared, you will see my last work, please comment my work in positive or negative way, so that I can improve my work. Thank you.
Such a great word sir. Dreaming is what i'm fun to do, for imagining creats unlimited portal where in we can create our world there and sited any possibilities in certain subject.
That part struck me and got me stuck!
How do we restore what is yet to come?
Nice post you got here. I believed and agree with you. Dreaming is free, let's make use to it.
Powerful composition, I shared your thought sir, Love connects each cell, love is the most beautiful truth of the whole universe. If we can just live together in love the all whole Universe will be a great place to live in qnd life will be so easy.
Beautiful soul poetry, I really enjoyed that. Keep producing beautiful work like that.
A very beautiful poem,
Dreams are sweet and gentle, I feel the freedom of our movement through the thought of flying. I love this line and also this other line Love connects each cell, love is the most beautiful truth of the whole universe. They are both true and I feel that way almost every day. Thanks for sharing, you are a great writer.
This is really beautiful. I love the way you carefully choose your words. Perfect.
Peotry is for the soul and for the reviving of the stray
Subtle words, clothed in gigantic garment
Only few can relate yet
Its for the soul and the reviving of the stray... This is just a short one to appreciate your sublimity. Its not easy to write a poem... You must be a deep thinker. Thats why i said "only few can relate". The words are subtle but at the sametime heavy.
For the purpose of this post @dobartim, i wish i could share my recent poem with you but, I'll do that only on your consent. I believe you'll find it interesting, useful and unusual. Well done!
don't care if the fucking Steem API works or not, the grind continues.
Wow!!! I marvel at the sound of your poetry.
I just wanna ask if who are the winners from this competition and how will they know that they are the winners last 3 days ago?
Thanks for your reply in advance.Good evening Mr. @dobartim.
What a motivational and inspirational poetry....
I'm a huge fan of great poetry too thanks for sharing @dobartim
i assumed and consider you. Dreaming is unfastened, let's make use to it.
Love connects each mobile,
love is the maximum lovely fact of the whole universe. If we can just live together in love the all whole Universe will be a excellent place to live in qnd lifestyles may be so smooth
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
Nice sir 👌