Pyramid of Emotions

in #poetry7 years ago
  • We build happiness in the desert of thought, creative actions confirm the unusual imagination of the creator. We open goals at every level of the challenge, we are ready for new victories in the mystical fighting off the mind. Remember the holy names on every obstacle, you are a beauty from ice dreams.

  • Smile's transaction achieves a heavenly temper in the eyes of happiness, you have opened the traces of your lips on my turbulent thoughts. Support of grace changes the character in the eyes of interest, the spirit massage supports the development of eternal rise.

  • Look at memories on the shores of oblivion, these are moments that contain tears and joy in one dynamic emotion. The greatest beauty of life is between joy and sadness, zero is the perfect number between the dualism of happiness and misfortune.

  • Your perfect beauty and mystical movements of the body cause the eternal joy of the universe, your tenderness and touch of romantic discoveries drive the best things in me. Each level shows the next goal, love is eternal for the possibility of growth.

Las frases que mas me gustaron son:
  • Abrimos metas en todos los niveles del desafío, estamos listos para nuevas victorias en la lucha mística de la mente.
  • La mayor belleza de la vida está entre la alegría y la tristeza, cero es el número perfecto entre el dualismo de la felicidad y la desgracia.
  • Cada nivel muestra la siguiente meta, el amor es eterno para la posibilidad de crecimiento.
  • The phrases I liked best are:
  • We open goals on all levels of the challenge, we are ready for new victories in the mystical struggle of the mind.
  • The greatest beauty of life is between joy and sadness, zero is the perfect number between the dualism of happiness and misfortune.
  • Each level shows the next goal, love is eternal for the possibility of growth.
  • Cada día es un nuevo desafío, una meta trazada hacia el éxito, solo si nuestros pensamientos están encaminados a progresar. La vida tiene diversos colores, no todo es color de rosa. Si tenemos amor en nuestro corazón y nuestras acciones son buenas, llegaremos al éxito, llegaremos a la cima.
    Every day is a new challenge, a goal set for success, only if our thoughts are directed to progress. Life has different colors, not everything is rosy. If we have love in our hearts and our actions are good, we will succeed, we will reach the top.


    @dobartim Again...

    See you on the top

    Well written @dobartim sir, even every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you....!!!

    Keep going

    @dorbatim this is an awesome piece i must say.👏👏👏 My favorite part is "each level shows the next goal, love is eternal for the possibility of growth" really do enjoy this. Thanks for sharing, upvoted and restreemed

    I am glad you like it

    Wow! Great write up from a great heart. Thanks for sharing.

    beautiful words friend dobartin, greetings


    WOW this is wonderfull....I would give anything at this pont in my life not to feel emotions

    Thank you

    Beautiful and excellent post. regards