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RE: "You are black"

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Well said. Resteemed.

To be honest. Your skin color doesn't matter at all other than you likely don't get sun burned as easy as me. :)

What matters is your actions, your character, etc.

True diversity doesn't have anything to do with skin color. Diversity comes in many forms. Skin color CAN be one of those, but truly it should be unimportant unless someone wishes to promote racism.

Restricting based upon skin color is racism. Guess what, artificially choosing people to meet diversity requirements is RESTRICTING.

The truth is that many words have been hijacked and there is a lot of intentional division and hatred being created.

Where is it being created? Mostly by those making the biggest deal about it.

If you disagree then you are racist, mysoginist, nazi, white supremacist, alt-right, or whatever label they choose to throw at you no matter how inaccurate.

They miss the point that this is essentially AGREE WITH ME or you are some BAD LABEL.

That is the opposite of diversity. That is called conformity.

Agree or die.

Agree or you are a blasphemer.

We must all think the same way.

We must all believe the same things.

You are free to speak as long as you say only things I agree with in which case you should be censored, banned, shadow banned, demonitized, arrested, fined, killed, etc.

That is called conformity.

It has nothing whatsover to do with racism.

Those same people will talk about HATE and HATE SPEECH without realizing they are some of the most hateful people on the planet at the moment. The media, and the propaganda machine is fueling it.

Certain factions LOVE it.

Many of them will claim to be fighting the ESTABLISHMENT when they lash out at say Trump.

He's been here for a little over a year and they were often saying that before he had even been sworn in...

They were walking lock step with politicians who had been in office for 30+ years, and with large corporate sponsors of lobbyists and corruption.

In other words they were supporting the ESTABLISHMENT and the FASCISTS while claiming to be anti-establishment, and anti-fascists.

Truly most of their complaints they would best benefit from standing in front of a mirror and protesting themselves. At least then the things they are shouting might be accurate for a change.


Thank you for resteeming.

Skin color should be unimportant, but sadly it isn't. Regarding the point you made about agreeing or dying, unfortunately a lot of the times people get labelled too quickly, when what they say goes against a certain norm. However if you make a racist/ insensitive remark out of unawareness once, you shouldn't be labelled immediately, but you should be educated afterwards, that is why we need to talk about it, because racism still happens. If you then repeat being insensitive I see no way in excusing that behavior anymore.


I will like to thank you on his behalf for supporting a minnow. You have just given him a lifeline and made him belive in the system. Thanks

Oh, I know. Yet she is also saying some important things in there...

Why am I not allowed to make certain gestures? To like certain things? Why am I the angry black woman, when I am mad and not just an outraged person?
Why not just a human? Unrelated to the color of my skin.

I do not infer intent. There are some truths in here. Especially from @gurunaima perspective.

Whether or not they agree with what I said or not remains to be seen.

I don't think racism will go away. People are too fixated on focusing on differences and being bigots. If skin color is all the same they'll find something else to be bigoted about like happened in Rwanda.

It takes EFFORT on our part to resist this in ourselves. Picking another target because of bad things happening to us doesn't solve it. It just perpetuates it.

It takes effort... switching targets is easy... it is not a solution. Artificial compensation and adjustments are forms of restriction, and perpetuate it.

The only person we can truly control is ourselves. That is where we need to make changes. Forcing others, just perpetuates and shifts the target of the problem.

Here is one of my favorite videos that says it much faster and to the point than I can. (I suck at short things... thus, why I avoid Twitter)

I didn't say racism wasn't real. :)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

And thanks. I corrected the HE in the sentence.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

No. There are times it needs to be spoken about.

Lately it is being overused. So much so that I believe it is losing its effectiveness.

Some people are being controlled by its usage too.

There are appropriate times to use it, and it is real.

Yet it shouldn't be kneejerk. It shouldn't be assumed when for the assumption to be true you must be able to read minds to know intent.

When it is obvious it should be challenged. When it requires reinterpretation to reach the conclusion of racism then it should not be given as much veracity.

I mainly don't want people being treated as puppets by the politicization and intentional fanning of ANY form of bigotry. Not just racism.

Sadly large portions of our population (majority) have not been taught to notice or resist such manipulations. In fact, the education system seems to intentionally leave them open to such manipulations.

I try to make them think about it different. I don't want them to blindly agree with me. I simply don't want them to blindly agree with anyone. :)