Thoughts and quotes of August 2022

in #poetry3 years ago

(Photo by: me. Phot of ink drawing by: me.)

Life: all that work for nothing.

But how is he my eternal lover risen from the dark netherworld to claim me when he doesn’t even believe in souls?

Beauty is not happiness but the absolute fullness of life.

My thoughts: this is a very bad idea.
My actions: la de da on our merry way to the bad idea!

Deflated. The bright rays of my imagination baked all the life out of the real thing and I am left with a wilted bloom.

The beauty of feelings is that they just are.

Darkness consciously seeks Light. It desires to possess it like a jewel or a treat. Light unconsciously seeks to be taken by Darkness but it fears the initiation. Both are enriched by the exchange.

I gather rose petals from the ground of places that love me and keep them with my tobacco. Rose and tobacco are passionate lovers.

Even the people who characteristically give nothing and do nothing one day meet the person they want to give and do it all for. Discern who you are in the scenario and choose wisely.

My hope, my greatest exhaustion that keeps all wounds fresh, will always spring eternal because my soul is eternal and when under the influence of the moon over water or the starry night sky or a bloom-enclosed fountain my soul will whisper, “maybe in another life we will meet again and you will love me in return.”

Laying next to you in bed I wish I could hear all your secrets. The things you stop short of saying and edit out while awake. I don’t want someone perfect I want someone real and deep and complicated. I want to love all of you but I don’t even know you.

Quotes I like:

“I knew that it was cruel to be so optimistic, but, in my solitude, I couldn’t resist the urge and spent entire days basking in idiotic fantasies, sometimes verging on prayer.” -Heaven, Mieko Kawakami

“All the beautiful phrases about transcending nature prove ineffectual in face of the primordial forces of life” -The Diaries of Franz Kafka, 1914-1923

“I desire very little, but the things I do consume me.” -Beau Taplin

“I know no answer. Live; the unavoidable decides.” -Carl Jung, The Red Book

Also, I was introduced to this poem that I am so entranced by and in love with. The Jewel by James Wright:

There is this cave
In the air behind my body
That nobody is going to touch:
A cloister, a silence
Closing around a blossom of fire.
When I stand upright in the wind,
My bones turn to dark emeralds.

In other news I’ve been using Tumblr. It’s basically an inspiration board for me. I reblog lots of photos and quotes that I like and post little things that come to me in the middle of the night. My name is emeraldrosewriting.