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RE: If Not Now...When? (Original Poetry)

in #poetry5 years ago (edited)

Thanks @bozz! I kind of threw this one together quickly, I probably should have spent more time on the rhyming. Star Trek has held up brilliantly through the decades. People are going to have to decide what their rock bottom is. The looming financial collapse might just be it. This pandemic has definitely taught me that most people don’t realize the true reality of a situation unless they experience it directly. Hope you’re well and have gotten some relief from the heat.


Yes actually! My wife and I were finally enjoying a nice evening on the deck yesterday. Until our dog rolled in something, then we had to bathe her! We ended up having a very late dinner because we were having such a nice time enjoying the cooler weather.

I'm glad to hear it's cooling down! Ugh, our beagle does that too. We had a few days' respite from the heat but we're right back into the frying pan now.