in that there
aren’t enough
minutes in
a lifetime
to know all
there is.
best of our
years are spent
sifting through
the bullshit,
the fluff,
the liars,
the takers,
and the fakers
until one great day
our hearts burst open
and reveal
to us what it is
that truly matters.
eyes were
to witness
the truth of
only one sunset
there would be
immeasurable worth
in all of the
struggle and pain.
such beauty
in this world
if only
it weren't
too simple
to see.
Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on Amazon.com.

Let’s Keep In Touch

Wow, this is a must read, I can imagine how I longed for today to at least experience some moment of perfect peace.
I have been so worried and emotionally drained, thinking about alot while working and getting lost in these thought.
I thought I could spell out how I feel before sleep takes me away tonight but looking at these lines.
''what it is
that truly matters''
I will just sit, meditate and list my priorities just maybe I could feel better.
Thanks! Mindfulness and meditation have been a Godsend to me during this past year. I don’t know what I would have done without them. Wishing you a peaceful slumber!
Thanks alot.
I appreciate it
el tiempo pasa tan rápido y siempre nos deja algo que aprender de ello, por eso debemos aprovechar bien el tiempo y aprender cada día.
Ese es muy buen consejo para estar seguro!
Life is complicated because people take care of it, having overcome depression I change the way I see things, I appreciate and enjoy the gift of life every day, I do it appreciating what nature gives me at every moment in company of the people that I love.hello dear friend @ericvancewalton good day I admire the gift you have, you always find the perfect words
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day
I really appreciate it @jlufer. I too suffered from depression and, you're right, it completely changes your perspective on everything. I hope you have a wonderful evening!
I like this one
This is part of the reason that my wife and I enjoy camping so much. We can just get away from all of those things that get in the way and we can contemplate life the universe and everything else! I hope we are getting closer to having all of this behind us and you can get on with your travelling soon.
Nature does that for us too! It's looking like it'll be fall 2021, at the earliest, before we can start our overseas travels again. The unknowns make it so tough to plan anything ATM. We might feel comfortable taking a road trip down to Sedona before that though.
You thinking you are going to do the overseas stuff before you dive into the RV'ing thing? I agree, there are a ton of unknowns right now.
We're in a bit of a tough spot with the RV right now. We need to sell our condo and find a small house with a garage big enough to park the Class B before we begin that part of our journey. I don't want to have to worry about parking it in a rented space. The goal is to resume the overseas travel in late 2021 (God willing) and then table getting the RV for another year or two. I think I may publish one more book in the meantime, a collection of short stories.
Ah, okay, that makes a ton of sense. You should move over near where I work. Big lots with double wides on them and a pole barn that is more expensive than the lot and trailer combined! You are brave looking to full time in a class B. I don't think my marriage could survive that! :)
I think we would have to definitely move out away from the city to find a set up like that! It'd be cool to build a concrete (or aircrete) dome home on a few acres. For the first time in my life I think I'd be open to moving out into the country. We dialed our dream of full time RV'ing back as well. It was fun to think about but when we started actually planning for it we realized how tough it would actually be. We'd probably use the Class B 3-4 months out of the year as our primary residence while traveling the warmer climates in the winter and then we'd go back to "home base" for the rest of the year. It would be really tough to do all year!
Sounds like a great plan. My wife has the idea of going full time, but I like having someplace to come home to. We have a concrete dome house in the city where I grew up. It is pretty cool. Best of luck with all the plans. Fingers crossed things start getting better from here!
I pray for peace in my life