is a quiet moment
to visit with my thoughts,
to sit on a park bench,
slide off my shoes, and
listen to the soothing
voice of my muse.
cool between my toes as I
inhale the bright blessed day,
exhale the dark sacred night,
and I write these lines,
transfixed, this moment is sublime
now, everything is fine.
before the great dreamless sleep
I hope no one dare weep for me
because in my days I’ve tasted this...
true freedom.

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
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Very beautifully written, like all your poems. I especially love the grass between the toes. Whenever I see a well kept lawn, that is all I think of, is how it would feel to my bare feet. Same with beach sand, I love the soft feeling caressing my feet. I can't wait for your book to arrive this week too. With enough practice, I hope to write beautiful poems. They are starting to flow from my thoughts and hope to start posting more of them :-)
Thank you very much! I was walking our beagle, Amstel, last night when this poem came to me. I jotted it down immediately on my phone. The secret to poetry is to write from the heart and not the head -- this way the reader feels the words.
Hmm, good idea with the phone as a place to write them down, since most come in the blink of an eye. I have come up with poems that were very much from the heart. Those are the ones that I wish I had written down. Am sure when it's the right time, they will begin to flow :-)
I use the notes feature of the iPhone and then transfer to Google Docs once they're more polished. It works great. Best of luck to you in your writing!
Lovely poem sir.... True freedom is exactly what you described in the poem.... I am always inspired with your poems and waiting for your posts to hit my feed... Glad to a your follower :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying my work. Thanks!
Is the soothing voice of your muse, that of the beagle Amstel?
This caught my eye, it goes great with my hammock post today. That area in that gif there is perfect hammock time area man!
No, that voice sounds like a loud hound. : ) I enjoyed the hammock post, Barry! Our old house had hooks set into the support beams upstairs for a hammock but we never tried them. I like to camp though and will consider a hammock over a tent the next time I'm out there. The North Shore of Lake Superior is beautiful country for camping.
Watching the BTC livestream now still in hour 1.
I have been VERY close to setting up HammockLife full time in my BR, and still might.
Once people try a PROPERLY set up hammock in terms of angle usually about 30 degrees. right length of straps (longer is better to flatten it out) - and right type of hammock for long term laying (more than 3-4 hours -- parachute fabric, etc) -- people do not often go back to a bed or tent for sure.
I was converted and will never go back!!
I love it. I'm new here and glad that I found your blog. I write too. Care to have a look? @galaxyandbeyond
Thanks and welcome to Steemit!
You always have a flow to your words that are so soothing and calm. It's like a cool breeze that lifts your essence up to a serene level of awareness. I love how you take in all that is around you for the moment to reflect on life's experiences. Your feet touch the grass to keep you grounded and connected. Beautiful poem.......beautiful words. Thank-you!
Thanks, my friend. When these poems come to me a feeling of peace washes over me and my senses get heightened. It strikes me at the simplest of times. I appreciate your kind words!
I love this
Thank you, man!
We all have our own definition of freedom... I like how you try to describe yours in such a soothing poem. Thanks for sharing! :)
So true! Freedom comes in an infinite amount of flavors. I'm glad you enjoyed my work. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
You're very much welcome! :)
What a beautiful poem.
It is most of the time the little things in life that have the biggest impacts on us and this is usually seen when we feel free and serene with no worry in the world.
Thanks! These moments are such a Godsend. They put things right back into perspective for me. I've been so busy lately that a simple moment on a park bench sounded like pure freedom and, as it turned out, it was!
Nice poetry! Good one!
Thank you much, man!
really beautiful poem capturing the absolute essential of life - enjoying the simple moments!
Simple moments are where the joy resides. : ) Thank you!
Well written poem,i never really read much poems in the past. They never really meant anything or i just didn't get them,but since joining steemit i've read a few and they have really impressed me. This has come as a bit of surprise to me as i didn't expect to appreciate them. You don't know whether you will like something until you give it a go
I'm glad you found a new appreciate for poetry. Have you ever tried writing any? It's very therapeutic and liberating.
i haven't write a poem since i was in school 25+ years ago,but i'll definitely give it a go.
This poem reminds me of when I was a kid and we would explore bamboo forests and river creek beds. All was quiet except the sound of crickets and the leaves rustling in the wind.
Do you ever return to those same places? Many of my childhood memories are from urban settings and a lot of the buildings/storefronts have changed their façades - but just the space has a profound impact on my ability to reflect.
Sometimes those places make me sad now because I miss the times that I can't return to. I was fortunate to grow up on an absolutely lovely street full of trees and creeks and dark places and wonderful areas for exploring. My friends and I were just like kids you'd see on a movie going on adventures everyday.
Can't you return to them? Those memories are right there inside of you. Maybe you can close your eyes and try to recall exact moments, conversations, and games you played with your friends. Hopefully it can bring more of a smile than sadness. :)
Isn't it great to have those memories? In a way I feel sorry for children today because they have more "screen time" than time alone in nature with their imaginations.
I can almost smell the park grass under my toes.
Awesome! I like when people connect that way.
Everytime I read your poems I feel inspired to try it myself. Short works were never my strong suit, the playground series is really the first short stories I've ever written, and I completely surprised myself. If and when it comes to me, I"m dedicating it to you ;)
If the playground series is your first attempt at a short story you are truly gifted. Poetry is easy, the secret? Turn off your brain and listen to your heart.
That's actually exactly how I wrote the Playground series-- in some ways I felt I was channeling rather than writing them.
That was a lovely compliment, thank you :)
That's the bandwidth of consciousness where the best stuff is created, I've found. It's magical when your consciousness occupies that space, isn't it? You're welcome! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
@EricVanceWalton... Your poem is the "Perfect Pause"...
Thank You for sharing... Cheers !!
I appreciate that @sacred-agent! I really like your screen name BTW. Very clever.
Thank You Eric... Hope everything is Good on Your side of the computer.
Cheers !!
Things are great here, thanks! Busy but good. I hope all is well with you too!
Feels like true freedom to me the way you connect with nature. All the descriptive nouns about how your body feels when it connects with nature really tie your identity to the poem.
Lovely poem . Upvoted
Thank you for the support!
Nice poem! :)
Thank you!
What a beautiful place that is, a place I would like to be! Great poem :)
Thank you very much!
Beautiful poem and I really like the Gif that goes with it
I appreciate it! Choosing Gifs is fun, it adds another layer of creativity.
Beautiful words. Thank you!
Thank you for your comment, Michael!
Meep meep.
that is a beautiful scenery
nice poem my friend, it reminds me a travel i've never done and a place i've never been, "freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose"
Thank you! Travel is the best education there is.
Lovely and deep poem :) !
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks, Ani!
This moment is sublime, now everything is fine! Love it!
It's a very beautiful poem! Thank you!
Thank you for reading!
Wow niceee keep do your best yeah :) follback me
I like it! I very like to spent my free time with a true freedom. Because, with it I can feel my self and peace with the nature. Of course I like sit on the park bench while see the birds chirp
There's nothing better than communing with nature!