Walking through the ocean of the steemit call
Optimistic that I'd make it big time here
Taking one step here, another step there
Blogging, curating and commenting
Was told I could make about $500SBD in one month from my work here
How that thrilled my heart
Spent days in this community
Yet very little for my posts
Voting power keeps running out on me
Low bandwidth prevents me from doing much here
But oh, what am I to do?
I hear of and see whales who whoop so much reward into their wallets from every post
I try to reach out for help, to get their attention
But the gulf between us so wide my voice can barely be heard
All I hear is the echo of my cry for help
Tears running down my face
Eyes blurry like as when the fog hugs the mountains
I felt like giving up, throw in the towel
But I heard a voice from within telling me, You can make it too
Draw not back, for in thy drawing back lies no reward
Winners never quit
And then when I peered into the distant horizon I see light
Light shinning like the noon day sun
And then hope and faith starts to well up in me
And I hear the victory song
And another voice telling me keep coming. Keep moving. Continue writing. Don’t give up posting and commenting on other’s blogs
Consistency. Dedication. Commitment.
You’re sure to get there.
In the land of the whales.
Keep moving on.This original poem was written by @evarich and is dedicated to all minnows who are working so hard to rise to the top in the steemit community.
This original poem was written by @evarich as an entry for a 100 Day Challenge organized by Steemit School led by @dobartim, @d-pend, @fkysky and others. It is dedicated to all minnows who are working so hard to rise to the top in the steemit community.
Steemit School is really doing an amazing job training, teaching and mentoring steemians to succeed here. Join the school's discord channel via this link
I'm an Intermediate writer, and have been writing poetry since I was 13 years old. It's just that I left writing poetry a long now but had to start again because of this challenge.
Wonderful piece @evarich. Very powerful stuff, thanks for sharing your story. Are you wanting to be a part of the challenge? I'm not clear on that.
If you are please put the Day # in your title, include at least two images with sources, use the tag #steemitschoolpoetry as one of your five tags, and please add an invitation link to the steemit school discord at the bottom of your post.
Also, would you consider yourself intermediate or advanced writer? How long have you written poetry?
@d-pend Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, I'm participating in the 100 Days Poetry Challenge. I've made all the necessary additions just as you said. Thanks
Thank you.
Yessss this is awesome.. as a brand new minnow in the pond I totally relate to this... I know dedication is what it takes... oh and plenty of faith too!
Thanks for this piece and for inspiring and reminding me that I am in the perfect place... and to just keep on keeping on <3
Looking forward to reading a lot more from you in this challenge! Keep it up :D
With Love
<3 [Hart Floe Poet](http://www.hartfloe.com]
Thank you @hartflo. I see we're in this together. But with dedication, we'll sure make it.
I'll sure visit your blog. Following you too. Thank you.
Yes we will... we can spur each other on if it gets hard... but together I know we can make it!
Keep up the great work and looking forward to the onward journey :)
With love
Hart Floe Poet
This is well crafted. I’m going through the same thing as well and I agree that with time, it gets better
Yes! I like your determination @everestgames. It will definitely get better. Keep on keeping on.
Following you now. Thanks
beautiful poeme, go on like this!
Thanks @lartist-zen. I'll do well to give my best.
True writeup this is happening to me too but it know it will all get better someday
I really have to say "Amen" to your comment @ehisoria. It will get better, and we won't give up.
This is nice,the way you put out the minnows problem by potraying them out
Thanks @queenerica for visiting my blog today. That's exactly what minnows go through, and I felt this is the best way to identify with them.
Will do well to visit your blog too. Sure you're participating in the poetry challenge! Thanks
Thank you @evarich for dedicating such beautiful words of encouragement to those of us who have just started working on our publications at steemit. I wish you much success. Best regards
Yes @felixgarciap. We are together in this journey and I sure know we will make it.
Keep on keeping on!