I want to paint within your mind
A picture every hue, awe for the blind
I want to show you a plain
Where the heroes fought and on which they're lain[source] (https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=ms-android-h3g-ng&biw=360&bih=190&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=yj6DW7OFC4yDgAaq7bLgDA&q=perspective+pics&oq=perspective+pics&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..0j0i67j0l3.29097.33246..33681...0.0..0.337.2495.2-2j6......0....1.vu2vh9wxHC8#imgdii=mbC8ey-Dgj2JdM:&imgrc=_gFxlZ877Hn91M:&isa=y)
Life is a zigzag
Its ups are downs
And its smiles are frowns
Many a path the river could thread
That of love or that of dread
Success could bear rapid fails
Failure could echo thoughtful tales
Life is a zigzag
Its ups are downs
And its smiles are frowns
The head could be the tail and not know
The wind could sing of gust and not blow
Good could belly bad
And joy could make us sad
Life is a zigzag
Its ups are downs
And its smiles are frowns
Sometimes life can be unpredictable confusing and frustrating.. This piece aims to come to peace with and make sense of lifes complexity
Hope you enjoyed it