Maybe it's her beauty
maybe her chaos
maybe her ability to choose if you live or die
whatever it may be
it brings me a certain feeling of
The feeling of death she gives
so beautiful
I stand here and feel her power
I know simply to follow
You have no strength here my dear friend
She is a Tyrant
she is your goddess now
kneel down and feel her mercy
she will leave you weak
Just as you stood tall;
A little free verse just for fun
This is one of my first poems I've shown anyone . I use to write a lot in school
always use to compare my ex to nature (that's who this poem is based on.)
I know it is not great but hey.
He is an inspiration to me.PLEASE check out @xxsenpaixsamaxx he introduced me to the platform and writes a million times better than I do.
The photo was taken by me when I was on holiday. I always seem to be at peace near the ocean.
Thank you for listening
Michael Howatt
A really awesome poem my good friend
I really didn't want it to end,
The imagery was great,
Every emotion real, nothing fake.
Continue to keep it up bud, I really enjoyed the poem. Thanks for the shout out!
Thank you so much. I know it could be better but for a first public one I'm pretty happy. I'll keep at it and hopefully my content gets better.